These 5 Ancient Rulers changed the world, but their bodies haven't been found

 The graves of some great historical figures have still not been found, despite centuries of intense searching. Why not? The fact is that their contemporaries often did everything in their power to keep a leader's place secret. And some clearly succeeded! 


Alexander became the ruler of Macedon in 336 BC. The 20-year-old warrior quickly consolidated power throughout Greece and Alexander was the one who finally conquered Persia. Some of his subjects worshiped him as a god. Alexander died in Babylon in 323 BC, at the age of 32. The reason was some mysterious illness. His body was laid in a gold sarcophagus that was filled with honey. The sarcophagus was in turn placed in a gold casket and it was on display in a lavish mausoleum in Alexandria the tomb was reportedly looted by Caligula. In AD 199 Alexander's tomb was sealed up by Septimius Severus, Since then, its location has been lost. Despite numerous efforts by archeologists, it remains undiscovered.


Cleopatra was the last ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. She was not actually Egyptian but Greek. Cleopatra had a son with Julius Caesar and later hooked up with Mark Antony. But after Octavian invaded Egypt in 30 BC, Antony took his own life. Cleopatra followed, reportedly allowing an asp to bite her and  Octavian ordered Cleopatra buried beside Antony. Their burial crypt is supposed to be somewhere in Alexandria. There have been many archeological expeditions to find it. But despite some sensationalist announcements, its location is still a mystery.


Boudica was the queen of the Iceni. This Celtic tribe inhabited Britain when it was invaded by Romans, The Iceni king pasturages was nominally put in charge. But after the death, Romans annexed Iceni lands. They also flogged Boudica and abused her daughters, so she led a rebellion gathering several local tribes the Iceni and their allies destroyed two Roman settlements. Boudica has killed in battle around 61 AB. Roman historian Cassius Dio describes a lavish burial. But Boudica's grave has never been located. There's a legend that she's buried under platforms 8, 9, or 10 at London King's Cross station.


Attila the Hun was the leader of a tribal empire. He ruled over Central European tribes in the 5th century AD. Attila was one of the most feared enemies of the Western and Eastern Roman Empires. He crossed the Danube twice and plundered the Balkans. He invaded Byzantium and Italy, but couldn't take Constantinople or Rome. still, Attila the Hun's raids hastened the fall of Rome. Attila died suddenly in the middle of a feast in 453 AD. His body was buried in 3 nesting coffins; iron, silver, and gold. The men who buried him were killed so they wouldn't reveal the burial site. Historians believe it was somewhere in modern-day Hungary.


Genghis Khan was the ruler of the Mongol Empire. it was the largest land empire in history, united under his region. Genghis Khan was a ruthless warrior and a cunning politician. He died in 1227 while on a campaign in China. The exact cause is unknown it was either battle wounds or a horse-riding accident. Genghis Khan had asked to be buried without markings. His body was returned to Mongolia, presumably to his birthplace in Khentii Aimag. Legend has it that the funeral escort killed anyone across their path. This was done to conceal the Great Khan's final resting place. The Genghis Khan Mausoleum in Mongolia was built years after his death. it's simply a memorial that holds no remains.

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